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大连子贡汉语学校,位于大连开发区太阳大厦西侧三楼,槐城别墅的后门。该学校主要教外国人汉语口语,中国文化,以及汉语等级考试等内容。学校总面积357.82平方米,多个教室,一个休息室。教室内配有空调等辅助设备。教室宽敞明亮,干净整洁,是学生学习的理想环境。学校有优秀的对外汉语老师,教学经验丰富,深得学生的喜欢。学校根据不同的学生情况制定不同的学习计划,希望学生在有限的时间里获得大的收获。学校针对不同汉语水平的成人,制定不同的课程计划,同时学校还针对不同年龄的孩子制定了相应的适合其学习的汉语课程:初级汉语,汉语口语以及汉语等级考试(HSK)等学习内容。学校定期还会举办各种活动,丰富汉语学习,以及学生的业余生活。我们的宗旨是让学生可以在这里学习和享受汉语。在短的时间里,汉语可以得到快速的提高,为学生在中国的生活和学习带来方便。 Zircon Chinese-Training School Zircon Chinese-Training school locates in Dalian Development Zone, a beautiful coastal area in Dalian. The school lies behind the villa HuaiCheng, west of the Building of Sun. Zircon Chinese training school, a financially strong school with beautiful and quiet environment and big and bright classrooms, provides students with well-experienced and qualified teachers, who are quite popular with foreign students. Our school offers all kinds of Chinese courses. In order to facilitate the study of Chinese language, our teachers will make different learning plans and apply flexible approaches according to the different standards of students. By the mon effort of both students and teachers, many students studied in this school have made great progress in Chinese study and got high marks in their HSK. Types of classes teaching contents teaching objectives 1.Class for beginners: primary listening, written and spoken Chinese(教学目的) Proficient at basic daily munication, social intercourse and working conversations 2.Intermediate class: intermediate grade of Chinese listening,writing and speaking.