擅长课程:英语思维建立及听力综合提升 英语水平: CET6 兴趣爱好:爬山 大家好,我是森博英语牛市口校区的老师 Quinn ,很高兴有机会向你们介绍自己。我性格活泼开朗,热爱英语教学… 大家好,我是森博英语牛市口校区的老师 Quinn ,很高兴有机会向你们介绍自己。我性格活泼开朗,热爱英语教学,擅长口语矫正和听力综合提升,在我的课堂你不会感到无聊! Hello I'm Quinn, I'm the teacher here at simple English. I am very happy to introduce myself here, I have a outgoing personality and really have a passion for teaching. One of my best skills is to help students correcting their pronunciation, and help students improving their listening. In my class I work hard to create a great atmosphere for learning and to be happy while doing it.