王成 Wilson老师

王成 Wilson老师
  • 16


  • 495



  • 老师认证 :教师资格认证实名认证专业认证
  • 教学课程 :托业培训...
  • 咨询电话 :13356882735
  • 所在机构 :成都森博国际英语培训中心


    嘿,伙计们,我是 Wilson ,一名来自中国北方的男老师。成都是座充满魅力和激情的都市,这里到处有美景美食、俊男靓女 Hey, guys. I'm Wilson, a male teacher coming from the north of China. Chengdu is a beautiful and passionate city, with all those great views, foods and people. The weather, language and customs here are quite different from where I was, but I've been getting used to it. I believe I've already fallen in love with this place, like what many other people told me before. I can adapt to a new language, and so can you! English is not as difficult as you may have imagined. Meeting me here in Simple, you have already made the right choice. Let's take it down and make it serve you as you want! Waiting for you~        嘿,伙计们,我是 Wilson ,一名来自中国北方的男老师。成都是座充满魅力和激情的都市,这里到处有美景美食、俊男靓女。尽管气候语言风俗习惯等等都和北方不尽相同,我正在不断适应这里的生活。很多人和我说过我会爱上这里,我想我已经爱上它了。我能适应一种新的语言,你们也可以的!英语其实并没有你们想象的那样难。我们能在这里相遇,你就已经迈出了正确的第一步。让我们携手打败它,让它为你所用!等你来哦 ~