Ivan F. Caters老师

Ivan F. Caters老师
  • 18


  • 472



  • 老师认证 :教师资格认证实名认证专业认证
  • 教学课程 :英语口语...
  • 咨询电话 :13356882735
  • 所在机构 :成都英语口语培训中心


外教姓名: Ivan F. Caters 联系手机号码 : 18********* ( 保密,请联系本土成都外教网,让学习更有保障和稳定性 ) 电子邮件 : Confidential Objective: 工作目标 [ 译文 ] :“正如您能从我的履历中所了解的,我生命中最重要的两个主题是‘学习’和‘冒险’;正是因为这个出发点,我踏上了来到中国的旅途。当今的中国正接受着惊人的考验,而这里的人们正用举世瞩目的勇气和努力来应对历史的挑战;我也为了检验自己战胜‘险境’的能力,鼓足勇气在这里谋生并学习中文。我正以传递美洲文化、迸发热情睿智和灌输积极真实人格魅力的方式给成千上万的学生带来英语学习的进步。我自认为是一名可靠、对任何学校有正向影响,并能正确指引学生在学习英语语言的同时克服各种挑战带来的困难。在北京新东方任期结束后,我置身来到了成都这个重视生活休闲的城市,开始了更为广泛深入的中国之旅。” 【文摘】 : 刚到成都的外教 Ivan F. Caters 的工作目标展现,真实的成都英语培训外籍教师信息 [ 原文 ] : As you can see from my resume, two frequent themes in my life are learning and adventure, and it is in exactly that spirit that I have embarked on my journey to China. I am strongly motivated to live in China and learn Mandarin at a time in history when China is facing astonishing challenges and meeting them with remarkable grace and courage. I am importing some measure of life experience, a keen intellect, and a warm and genuine personality to offer as a teacher to as many of the millions of Chinese students who wish to increase their personal international marketability by learning English as I can. I am a dependable and positive influence for any school, an experienced teacher that can truly inspire students to overcome the challenges that stand between them and mastery of a foreign language. Since I stopped working with New Oriental in Beijing, I relocated to Chengdu and traveled extensively within China.   Education: 受教育背景 McGill University -- Montreal, Canada September 2001- June 2005 B.A. in History and Anthropology   Vice-President in charge of publications for the Anthropology Students Association (ASA) Editor-in-Chief of The Primal Scream, the monthly ASA newsletter Starred in two musicals with the McGill Savoy Society, The Pirates of Penzance and H.M.S. Pinafore Culture writer for The McGill Daily, the school newspaper   TEFL International -- Beijing, China January 2011 TESOL Certificate   100 hours of training with 10 hours of teaching practice (4 hours of classroom, 2 hours of 1-on-1 tutoring) Teaching topics included writing, reading, speaking, vocabulary, listening, and business English Intensive grammar review focusing on international phonology, sentence structure, verb tenses, and parts of speech   Work Experience: 工作经历 ***New Oriental Elite Learning -- Beijing, China March 2011 - December 2011 Full-Time Classroom Teacher Corporate Training, EILTS English, SAT Prep, 1-on-1 VIP classes, Small Classroom (up to 8 people), Large classrooms (up to 30 people), English corners, MC for special events.   ***Hampson English School -- Beijing, China ***Noble International Training Center -- Beijing, China January 2011 - January 2012 English language instructor specializing in one-on-one and small group lessons for business professionals, students preparing for study abroad, adults continuing their education, etc.   ***Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee-- Boston, MA; Detroit, MI; Chicago, IL, USA      Political Activist / Educator August 2006 - October 2010 Communications director for LaRouchePAC offices in Boston, Detroit, and Chicago. Daily responsibilities included transcribing, editing, and, publicizing each day's activities for publication in the organization's daily report. Speechwriter and publicist for the Congressional campaign of Rachel Brown, in the 8th district of Massachusetts, in 2010. To engage political supporters, regularly presented classes on politics, history, physical science, and economics, and on cultural topics, such as music and poetry for as many as 25 students.   ***Pebble Beach Company -- Pebble Beach, California, USA Resort Reservations / Inside Sales                  October 2005-April 2006   Gained sales training and experience from a company with an international reputation for excellence in hospitality and service.   ***W3 Viking Adventures -- Riviere Rouge, Quebec, Canada          Whitewater River Guide / Safety Kayaker March 2004 - September 2006   Whitewater rafting guide and kayak instructor for French-speaking customers on the Riviere Rouge, the largest whitewater river in Quebec. Company publicist, publishing and editing promotional materials and editing the English language section of our website.   ***Rolling Hills Country Day Camp -- Marlborough, NJ, USA          Camp Counselor                                     Summer 2002 - Summer 2003 In this job, I had fun and played sports with young campers from ages 6-12.   Professionl Writing: 3 credits with the weekly, Executive Intelligence Review concerning U.S. state and national politics.   Languages: English (native speaker), French (advanced), Mandarin (advanced beginner).   Computer Programs: Proficient with Excel, Word, Powerpoint, and internet research. I was very efficient with the PGM system for financial transactions with LaRouchePAC, and record-keeping software with Pebble Beach Company. Used Audacity, a free audio software program to record and edit an album of self-produced music in 2006.   Musical Training: 接受过的声乐训练 Received private voice instruction from 2006 - 2010 Voice and guitar teacher in Montreal, Boston, Detroit, and New jersey Performing artist with performances in Monterey, CA; Montreal, Canada, and Beijing, China.   Hobbies: 个人嗜好 Singing, traveling, basketball and reading history books. 歌唱、外出旅行 ( 貌似几乎所有健康的老外都喜欢旅行 ) 、打篮球 ( 给人文武双全的感觉 ) 和阅读历史书籍 ( 这一点仿佛有点少见 ) 。