Abby 国际高中老师,毕业五年,我一直从事英语教学工作,先后涉猎口语,词汇,新概念,出国考试等多方面,均有自己的经验和心得。近两年来,我主攻国际教育,授课方向包括雅思, GCSE 。在最近的一次雅思考试中,我取得了 7.5 分的成绩。我一直不断学习,相信为人师,更需要不断自我提升。业精于勤荒于嬉。每次授课我都本着为学生为自己负责的态度,全心全意,希望在帮助学生的同时提升自己。 My name is Abby . I have been working in the field of English teaching for five years . I am now working in an international school where English is the working language. I have lots of experience on teaching oral English , IELTS Reading and speaking as well as GCSE English and History. I always believe that efficiency comes from diligence. Only those who work the hardest can achieve the highest!
Hi my name is Harry I'm from the U.K. I like studying languages and martial arts My motto is "the only easy day was yesterday." Harry来自英国,他热爱中国功夫,很喜欢中国文化和学习语言,会说英语,少许的普通话,Harry亲和与认真的态度使他成为抑扬的人气老师。
教师简介: Robert 来自英国南部,他的课堂生动有趣,善于鼓励和发掘学生的兴趣和创造性并将其应用到英语教学中,形成了独特的教学风格—轻松快乐的学习英语,并帮助学生挑战自我,不断使学员的英文水平达到一个新的高度。
Tom ,教授英语已经 5 年了,擅长初级别学员,我喜欢循序渐进的授课,同时我也擅长写作,能够细致纠正学员的语法文案,我的课堂生动而专业,相信你一定能有所收获,期待在我的课堂遇到你。
Hi, this is Amber. After 4 years Academic English study in Chengdu Institute of Sichuan International Studies University. I have been in America for 3 years seeking for my master degree. Teaching poeple how to speak English nicely and correctly is my goal. I will make you feel more confident and talktive during my classes with numerous of topics.
Tony是抑扬英语的明星老师。大学本科主修科技英语。在校期间曾参加英语口语大赛并获三等奖,多次组织校内英语角活动,并担任校园广播站英语频道主播。英语专业八级合格,口语流利,地道美式发音。其本人对英语充满激情,酷爱英语配音以及学习英语歌曲,对英语口语学习的方法其有独到见解,同时对各类英语考试也相当有经验。教学经验丰富,得到学员一致好评。他提倡以情景教学为主线,从多种角度学习英语口语,包括学习电影配音让学员体会英语语调的抑扬顿挫,学习英语歌曲感受美式英语的各种发音技巧,同时也会安排不定期的英语主题活动让大家一边放松一边练习口语。Tony老师对工作极其认真负责,不断提升自我,他坚信,学习是一个“铁三角”的关系(在这个关系中老师,学员,还有平台决定了你能坚持多久),他也坚信,每一位学员在他的带领下能侃翻老外盆友! Tony is the one who is the shining star in Yiyang English.With Scientific English as his bachelor major ,he is a proficient learner and user of Chinese and English.During the time in university, he successfully got the certification of TEM-8 with an excellent performance in Oral English.Also,he has a profound interest in English dubbing and English song learning.As to Oral English training ,He has his own methods which focused a lot on student’s listening and speaking.He also has three years of instructing experience in Yiyang Education Center,and was widely welcomed by our students.He gave his advice on English that Oral English should be trained in a multi-faceted way .Learning movie dubbing makes you feel “Ups” and “downs” of English Intonation,also learn to sing English songs enables us understanding many important skills of native American pronunciation.Under his guidance, activities involving with Specific English topics from which every student can really learn a lot can be randomly arranged.With his responsible work style and self-driving improvement,he believes that learning English can be a piece of cake and every student will fall in love with the language.
大家好,我叫 Kyle ,我是一名非常热爱摄影的英语老师。我毕业于成都体育学院英语专业。曾经跟随一家国际 NGO( 非政府组织 ) 工作两年,在那两年的日子,我不仅教很多非洲人学会了英语,还有了很多人生的感悟。我最乐意的就是让自己的学员浸泡在全英文的环境中,用这种方式来锻炼自己的英文思维。我也非常愿意和大家在私底下成为朋友,我们可以交流学习心得,不过必须要用英语哦 ! Hi My name is Kyle, I'm an English and a photography enthusiast. When I was studying in Chengdu Sport University back in my college time, I suspended my schooling for 2 years, I used these 2 years to explore myself and Africa, that's when I got my English improved. In my class, I want you to study while you play, I want you to play while you study, I want you to Enjoy English!