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  • 老师认证 :教师资格认证实名认证专业认证
  • 教学课程 :英语...
  • 咨询电话 :13356882735
  • 所在机构 :大连智赢国际


Nick Stember毕业于美国波特兰州立大学,热爱中国文化的他早在大学阶段就来到中国学习中国文化,并教授中国学生英语口语。2010年他完成了网络知名漫画家聂峻的个人自传《找海》的全文英文翻译,为此受到McNair本科学生领导奖。 现在,Nick Stember在中国已经有5个年头了,一直教授和研究雅思和新托福的口语部分以及海外生存英语和学术英语。 2010年,Nick加入智赢国际英语,作为外教,认真负责并且幽默风趣的Nick受到了每一位学员的喜爱。他特别擅长教习惯用语并探索中美的文化差别。在工作之余,Nick喜欢看英文和中文小说以及通过美术把上海的日常生活记录下来。 Nick Stember holds a Bachelor's degree in Chinese from Portland State University. Having a strong interest in Chinese culture he came to China during his undergraduate years to study the language and culture of China and teach spoken English to Chinese students. In 2010 he completed a translation of the renowned underground manhua artist Nie Jun's autobiography _Searching for the Sea_ for which he received a McNair Scholars Undergraduate Leadership Award. As of today, Nick has over 5 years of experience in China researching the speaking sections of the IELTS and TOEFL exams in addition to the acquisition of both academic and everyday English fluency. In 2010 Nick joined SmartWin International English Shanghai as an English instructor where he is especially esteemed by his students for both his scrupulous responsibility and warm sense of humor. He is especially fond of teaching idiomatic expressions and exploring the cultural differences between China and the West. In his free time Nick enjoys reading novels in English and Chinese and documenting everyday life in Shanghai through art.