1.习语(idiom):在英语中,习语被称为idiom,权威词典对它的解释是:A group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words (Oxford dictionary)。简单地说,就是字面意思和实际意思不大一样的表达,可能它包含一些微妙的内涵或典故,类似于中文的成语。在雅思口语考试中,使用习语是绝对被鼓励的加分点(在雅思口语官方给出的公众版评分细则中,口语7分或以上的段位里,都提及了对于idiomatic和less common vocabulary的使用要求)。 当然,不少同学对于这类词汇的积累可能不多,我们在考试前只要稍微学一些常用的就行了,能用上就用,用不上能使用一些其它的less common words也可以助你拿到七分以上的高分。
1).over the moon- 字面意思"月亮之上" -看到这不少同学都几乎忍不住要跟着凤凰传奇的神曲"一起摇摆"了,可是它真实的意思是 "extremely happy and excited"(oxford dictionary),即"欣喜若狂",在雅思口语考试中其实这个短语可以有很多的"亮相机会",例如在谈到一场比赛的胜利时:the whole team was totally over the moon when we finally won the hard-earned victory.
2).see eye to eye (with somebody)- 字面意思:"看对眼"? 就是相亲的时候互相看上对方了么?- 非也!它的意思是 "达成一致的看法或意见", 这个短语在雅思口语中也可以有许多的"亮相机会",例如:young people usually don't see eye to eye with old people on many things.
3).under the weather-字面意思 "天气下面"? 实际意思"感觉身体或精神不适,不舒服",例如: we all felt a bit under the weather that day as we stayed up late the night before we set off.
2.俚语(slang):这个在口语考试中可就千万不要使用了!因为雅思口语考试是个相对正式的面试,而slang的意思是什么呢?权威词典对它的解释是:very informal, sometimes offensive, language that is used especially by people who belong to a particular group, such as young people, children, soldiers or criminals.(Longman dictionary). - 大家能注意到,这是非常不正式甚至可能有时候有些冒犯人的语言,简单地说就是"粗俗的口语"。一般用来装酷耍帅的时候用,考试中绝对不建议用!例如:Man, that car is dope!(酷毙了); ya played a kick-ass game today!(一流的/超赞的);many young guys smoke grass (大麻).
3.谚语 (proverb): 这个可以有!!雅思口语考试中有许多可以用它们的机会!牛津词典对proverb的解释是: a well-known phrase or sentence that gives advice or says sth that is generally true. 很好理解,就是大家经常听到的一些俗话,格言,通常经常被人引用,例如: as an old proverb says/goes, " all work and no play makes jack a dull boy"只工作学习不休息,人会变傻 " haste makes waste" 欲速则不达 "a friend in need is a friend indeed" 患难见真情. " a rolling stone gathers no moss"户枢不蠹,流水不腐. "there is no use crying over spilled milk" 覆水难收于事无补 "slow and steady wins the race"从容不迫,胜券在握!
以上就是关于这三种语言类型的区别以及雅思考试加分点使用具体诀窍。最后一句proverb也是希望和广大同学分享的考试态度,重要的事情再说一遍,slow and steady wins the race! 从容不迫,胜券在握!!祝广大考生考出满意的成绩!