Martin J.M
引用一:“在加拿大工作了 22 年后,我于 2005 年 11 月回到爱尔兰家中。从 1991 年开始,我就专门从事远景策划方面的工作,包括:富裕人士、企业家和各种专业人员。最具代表性的资产管理服务包含以下项目: * 退休生活计划 * 固定资产投资管理 * 投资税顾问 * 风险咨询和保险 * 专业预算 * 房地产和产业继承策划” 引用二:“来到中国后,我先后在上海、北京、杭州等城市生活过,但是我最喜欢的地方还是成都。为了更好地了解成都的人文地理,我决定加入成都英语口语培训行列中,成为一名光荣的成都外教。同时,也为自己的基本生活赢得一份保障。我从来不掩饰自己的任何想法。 -(@_@)- 这代表笑脸” Martin J. McDevitt, B. Comm., FMA Original Residence: 3 Bindon Mews Mobile: 011-123456 Message: 011-1234684006 E-Mail: martin**********@***.com Nationality: UK Education The Canadian Securities Institute Financial Management Advisor 2005 St. Mary’s University, Canada Bachelor of Commerce 1990 I returned home to Ireland in November 2005, after working in Canada for over 22 years. Since 1991, I have specialized in prospecting HNW individuals, business owners, and professionals. The typical wealth management services offered included: · Retirement planning · Asset-investment management · Investment tax advice · Risk management and insurance · Budgeting · Estate, and business succession planning. Great West Life Assurance Company. (03/2006-08/2010) Business Development Manager for C. B. McDevitt, Financial Advisor Prospecting HNW persons in Nova Scotia, promoting the extensive wealth management services provided by Great West Life Assurance Company. Business Development Consultant (10/2003-09/2005) I developed or enhanced marketing programmes for four Investment Advisers at two national firms.. TD Waterhouse Private Investment Advice (09/1995-06/2003) Marketing Coordinator for the Merchant-Moffatt Group (02/1996-06/2003) - Branch Managers, Senior Vice-Presidents and Senior Investment Advisers, Nova Scotia. A key team member, I developed and executed a marketing strategy that was effective in: Increasing new investment assets under administration by more than $250,000,000. Attracting over 450 new HNW accounts, with an average account size of $500,000. Organizing over 300 investment and estate planning seminars. Successfully completing the 90-day Registered Representative Supervisory period. The Royal Bank of Canada (01/1991-05/1994) The Royal Bank of Canada’s Atlantic Regional Office awarded me with two official commendations for achieving exceptional quarterly sales and quality service. Personal Banking Officer (11/1993-05/1994) Actively promoting and cross-selling mortgages, loans, personal lines of credit, overdraft protection, credit cards, budgeting, and investment products. Addressing credit applications, overdue accounts, and client service issues. Prospecting (“mining”) existing client base to consolidate as much of their banking business with RBFG.. Tele-Marketing Services Representative (01/1991-11/1993) Attaining highest office sales of $14,200,000 during a 26-month evaluation period, with minimum monthly sales target of $500,000 (new mortgages, loans, etc.) Evening out-bound telephone solicitation, to banking clients, acting as relationship manager for six local branches. This also entailed cross-selling bank products to meet the financial needs of clients and to consolidate their banking at RBFG. Customer Service Representative (01/1991-11/1993) Cashier (front-line) at Royal Bank’s Main Branch – Atlantic Canada.
Sigvy Moore
姓名: Sigvy Moore 性别:男 年龄: 33 岁 国籍:英国 学历:硕士 联系方式:电话: 001 413 072 62939 ( Apartment ) Email: 保密( confidential ) 自我介绍 本人原籍挪威,但在英国学习工作了 12 年。挪威语和英语是我的母语。此外我还能讲流利的丹麦语和瑞典语,能用德语进行基本交流。目前正在学习中文,更希望能成为一名受大家喜爱的成都外教老师,从事相关的成都英语口语培训工作。 本人 2003 年从英国爱丁堡大学社会政治学院取得硕士学位后,先后在路透社、金融时报集团等国际性新闻机构任记者,负责北欧国家的财经新闻的采编,积累了丰富的新闻采编经验。因太太是中国成都人,打算近期回成都定居,故希望能在成都寻找一份符合我专业背景的工作。 教育背景 2003 年 9 月至 2004 年 11 月 英国爱丁堡大学社会政治学院民族主义研究硕士:该硕士课程主要从社会学和政治学方面研究民族主义的形成和表现形式等。在此期间我学习并掌握了高级学术研究的方法和技巧。我的硕士毕业论文 “政治对体育民族主义的利用” 获得了导师和学院领导的高度评价。 1999 年 9 月至 2003 年 7 月 英国爱丁堡龙比亚大学新闻学本科:该课程涵盖了报刊杂志、电台和电视新闻的写作和采编,社会学,记录片制作,特稿撰写,编辑等课程。在此期间我多次参与学校组织的实习活动,如作为实习记者参与 Scotsman 报社的新闻报道,参与了 BBC 的毕业生实习项目,以及在 Falkirk Herald 报社进行了三个月的实习等。 工作经历 2011 年 7 月至如今:挪威奥斯陆 Montel 杂志社 高级记者 Montel 是挪威最大的一家能源类电子商务杂志社。本人主要从事新闻调查,重大事件采访,以及主动发现相关新闻线索并撰写相关新闻事件。在此期间,本人多次参加大型的新闻采访活动,大大提升了采访技巧,丰富了写作风格,也进一步提高了编辑水平。 2007 年 9 月至 2011 年 7 月 金融时报集团 金融记者 本人供职于金融时报下属的 Mergermarket 杂志社。这是一家主要从事 B2B 金融新闻的电子杂志社,提供企业并购新闻及相关分析,以及其他即时金融新闻的报道。在此期间,本人参与大型企业的并购项目的报道,对航运、石油、汽车、银行等行业,以及全球,特别是北欧地区的经济发展进行深度分析和报道。同时本人开拓了 Mergermarket 在苏格兰地区和挪威的报道覆盖面,为公司的运营开辟了新的区域和终端客户群。 2005 年 3 月 – 2007 年 8 月 : 路透社金融信息采编记者 近年来路透社的运营重心逐渐从普通新闻向金融信息采编转移。本人在此期间主要负责对金融市场,尤其是北欧金融市场信息进行收集、翻译、编辑、整理,严格按照要求的格式及时输入中心信息数据库,并最终提供给终端用户。因该工作对信息的时效性要求极为严格,本人在此期间就关于如何在最后期限前保质保量地完成任务得到了严格的训练。同时极大地提高了本人的文字表述能力及编辑技巧。 2004 年 9 月至 2005 年 3 月:苏格兰 Alba trees 公司网站编辑及翻译 在此期间,我主要负责编辑、校对及撰写公司的商业文件,并对公司网站的材料进行及时更新。此外我还作为翻译人员,参与公司的商业谈判。这个职位极大地锻炼了本人对商业文件的写作技巧,同时商业沟通能力也得以提高。 1998 年 6 月至 1999 年 5 月:挪威 Bardu 空 军 基 地 士 兵福利助理 挪威实行义务兵役制度,所有年满 18 周岁的男性必须服兵役一年。本人于 98 至 99 年期间在挪威北部的空军基地服役,担任士兵福利助理,除日常训练外,主要负责士兵的娱乐设施的管理,并组织安排娱乐活动。因此在此期间极大地锻炼了我的组织协调能力。此外我还协助基地报纸的出版。 其他能力: 本人能熟练地运用以下软件: 1 ) 所有 Windows 软件 (Word, Excel, Power Point and Access) 2 ) Outlook, SAP, SIEBEL and C1. 3 ) 曾学习并使用过 database programming 、网站设计 web design 以及 Photoshop. 兴趣爱好: 我在空余时间喜欢摄影,摄像,阅读和写作。同时我也对一些体育运动感兴趣,尤其是搏击术,如跆拳道、泰拳、中国散打,滑雪,登山,野营以及其他的户外活动。
Shawn Tim
★关于该成都外教的总体评价: 1. 推荐指数为四星,因为他在德阳市工作时,积累了大量少儿英语教学方面的宝贵经验;自己还亲身参加了英语教材的编写工作。因此,在授课质量上还是完全信得过的。 2. 该老师授课时间和具体方式非常灵活,可以根据学习者自身的需要进行个体化安排。但是,该成都外教老师上课的范围不超出市区三环路。 3. 老师拥有在美国计算机和动物保护行业的一线工作经验,所以,可以专门教授计算机硬件和动物疾病防治方面的专业英语。 4. 经过仔细查看,成都英语口语培训网认为: Shawn 老师也能胜任客服英语,包括空乘服务英语等的讲义。 5. 将工作看成享受生活的一种方式,这是他的箴言。还有,这样子的美国老师现在已经为数不多。 Objective 工作目标 Teaching the students in a pleasant way and seeking friendship in teaching 寓乐于教,在教学中和学生做好朋友。 Experience 工作经历 2008 Mrs. Dan's English School Deyang, Sichuan, China 2008 年 丹女士少儿英语学校 德阳市 English Teacher 任英语教师 Teach small children using various games 用各种游戏教小孩子学英文 Create basic lesson plans 撰写初级英语课堂教案 Occasionally teach conversational English to older teenagers 有时给中学生教授交流型的英语口语 March 2007- January 2008 Compustat Clearwater, Fl. U.S. 2007 年 3 月 -2008 年 1 月 计算机服务人士 美国佛罗里达州克利尔沃特 Computer Salesmen 电脑销售员 Ensure proper components are sold for computer builds 保证用于组装电脑的部件正确配送 Meet weekly and monthly for sale quotas 每周和每月开会总结市场销售配额 Ensure customer satisfaction 保障客户满意度 2005-2006 Wilson Kennel Harmon, Ok. U.S. 2005 年 -2006 年 威尔逊窝 美国哈尔孟市 Assistant Caretaker 助理专业动物看管师 Ensure proper nutrition and care of animals 照顾动物并保证其获得的营养均衡 Keep grounds clean while overseeing other workers 监督其他工人保持地面清洁 Help manage expansions to site infrastructure 帮助拓展网站的内部机构 Education 教育背景 Aug. 2012-May 2012 University of Florida Gainesville, Fl. U.S. 2012 年 8 月 -2012 年 5 月 佛罗里达州大学 美国盖恩斯维尔市 B.A. in Political Science 政治科学学士 International Relations Certificate 国际关系资格证书 Public Administration Certificate 公共管理资格证书 Aug. 2012-May 2010 St. Petersburg College St. Petersburg, Fl. U.S. 2012 年 8 月 -2010 年 5 月 圣彼得堡大学 佛罗里达圣彼得堡市 B.A. in Arts and Humanities 人类艺术学学士 References 其他个人资料 References are available on request. [ 该简历所属类别 ]: 成都英语口语培训外籍讲师介绍
基本信息 ( 已做必要修改 ) : -Birth-date -January 21, 1986 -Place of birth -Wyoming USA -Phone #- 138 ******** (secret) -Email- qbxxcdz@msn.com -Address- Sichuan, Chengdu, Tongzilin -OBJECTIVE 求职目标 I would like to find a steady part-time teaching job in Chengdu. -EXPERIENCE 工作经历 TEACHING ENGLISH {October 2011- present}English teacher at Hua Yang Zhong Xue ,Xiao Xue. {October 2012- present} English teacher at Tai Ping Si Xiao Xue English Tutor, students ages 5-24 SERVICE INDUSTRY ( 此为在校期间实习工作,一直持续 4 年,是位勤奋的老师 ) {3 years} Restaurant waiter/Banquet caterer {1 year} Department store merchandising, stock room management -EDUCATION 教育背景 Cherry Creek High School, Denver, Colorado, USA. Graduated with 3.2 GPA Colorado State University, Fort Collins Colorado, 1 year study as Art Major Metro State University at Denver, 2 years study as Industrial Design Major Southwest University for Nationalities, 1.5 years studying Mandarin -SKILLS 特别技能 A talented English poet, and writer. Educated and skilled in linguistic arts. Experienced English teacher with a passion for helping others learn. Experienced teaching students ages 5-24, I am receptive to the students skill level and adapt my teaching style thus. A friendly, likeable person, always smiling! 备注: 请勿拷贝以上成都英语培训网的外教简历。所有简历都由外籍老师本人执笔撰写。仅联系信息部分基于预先达成的一致,已经做了合理的修改。
Ivan F. Caters
外教姓名: Ivan F. Caters 联系手机号码 : 18********* ( 保密,请联系本土成都外教网,让学习更有保障和稳定性 ) 电子邮件 : Confidential Objective: 工作目标 [ 译文 ] :“正如您能从我的履历中所了解的,我生命中最重要的两个主题是‘学习’和‘冒险’;正是因为这个出发点,我踏上了来到中国的旅途。当今的中国正接受着惊人的考验,而这里的人们正用举世瞩目的勇气和努力来应对历史的挑战;我也为了检验自己战胜‘险境’的能力,鼓足勇气在这里谋生并学习中文。我正以传递美洲文化、迸发热情睿智和灌输积极真实人格魅力的方式给成千上万的学生带来英语学习的进步。我自认为是一名可靠、对任何学校有正向影响,并能正确指引学生在学习英语语言的同时克服各种挑战带来的困难。在北京新东方任期结束后,我置身来到了成都这个重视生活休闲的城市,开始了更为广泛深入的中国之旅。” 【文摘】 : 刚到成都的外教 Ivan F. Caters 的工作目标展现,真实的成都英语培训外籍教师信息 [ 原文 ] : As you can see from my resume, two frequent themes in my life are learning and adventure, and it is in exactly that spirit that I have embarked on my journey to China. I am strongly motivated to live in China and learn Mandarin at a time in history when China is facing astonishing challenges and meeting them with remarkable grace and courage. I am importing some measure of life experience, a keen intellect, and a warm and genuine personality to offer as a teacher to as many of the millions of Chinese students who wish to increase their personal international marketability by learning English as I can. I am a dependable and positive influence for any school, an experienced teacher that can truly inspire students to overcome the challenges that stand between them and mastery of a foreign language. Since I stopped working with New Oriental in Beijing, I relocated to Chengdu and traveled extensively within China. Education: 受教育背景 McGill University -- Montreal, Canada September 2001- June 2005 B.A. in History and Anthropology Vice-President in charge of publications for the Anthropology Students Association (ASA) Editor-in-Chief of The Primal Scream, the monthly ASA newsletter Starred in two musicals with the McGill Savoy Society, The Pirates of Penzance and H.M.S. Pinafore Culture writer for The McGill Daily, the school newspaper TEFL International -- Beijing, China January 2011 TESOL Certificate 100 hours of training with 10 hours of teaching practice (4 hours of classroom, 2 hours of 1-on-1 tutoring) Teaching topics included writing, reading, speaking, vocabulary, listening, and business English Intensive grammar review focusing on international phonology, sentence structure, verb tenses, and parts of speech Work Experience: 工作经历 ***New Oriental Elite Learning -- Beijing, China March 2011 - December 2011 Full-Time Classroom Teacher Corporate Training, EILTS English, SAT Prep, 1-on-1 VIP classes, Small Classroom (up to 8 people), Large classrooms (up to 30 people), English corners, MC for special events. ***Hampson English School -- Beijing, China ***Noble International Training Center -- Beijing, China January 2011 - January 2012 English language instructor specializing in one-on-one and small group lessons for business professionals, students preparing for study abroad, adults continuing their education, etc. ***Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee-- Boston, MA; Detroit, MI; Chicago, IL, USA Political Activist / Educator August 2006 - October 2010 Communications director for LaRouchePAC offices in Boston, Detroit, and Chicago. Daily responsibilities included transcribing, editing, and, publicizing each day's activities for publication in the organization's daily report. Speechwriter and publicist for the Congressional campaign of Rachel Brown, in the 8th district of Massachusetts, in 2010. To engage political supporters, regularly presented classes on politics, history, physical science, and economics, and on cultural topics, such as music and poetry for as many as 25 students. ***Pebble Beach Company -- Pebble Beach, California, USA Resort Reservations / Inside Sales October 2005-April 2006 Gained sales training and experience from a company with an international reputation for excellence in hospitality and service. ***W3 Viking Adventures -- Riviere Rouge, Quebec, Canada Whitewater River Guide / Safety Kayaker March 2004 - September 2006 Whitewater rafting guide and kayak instructor for French-speaking customers on the Riviere Rouge, the largest whitewater river in Quebec. Company publicist, publishing and editing promotional materials and editing the English language section of our website. ***Rolling Hills Country Day Camp -- Marlborough, NJ, USA Camp Counselor Summer 2002 - Summer 2003 In this job, I had fun and played sports with young campers from ages 6-12. Professionl Writing: 3 credits with the weekly, Executive Intelligence Review concerning U.S. state and national politics. Languages: English (native speaker), French (advanced), Mandarin (advanced beginner). Computer Programs: Proficient with Excel, Word, Powerpoint, and internet research. I was very efficient with the PGM system for financial transactions with LaRouchePAC, and record-keeping software with Pebble Beach Company. Used Audacity, a free audio software program to record and edit an album of self-produced music in 2006. Musical Training: 接受过的声乐训练 Received private voice instruction from 2006 - 2010 Voice and guitar teacher in Montreal, Boston, Detroit, and New jersey Performing artist with performances in Monterey, CA; Montreal, Canada, and Beijing, China. Hobbies: 个人嗜好 Singing, traveling, basketball and reading history books. 歌唱、外出旅行 ( 貌似几乎所有健康的老外都喜欢旅行 ) 、打篮球 ( 给人文武双全的感觉 ) 和阅读历史书籍 ( 这一点仿佛有点少见 ) 。
Daniel Bruce
教学主管 Forest 客观简评该成都外教老师: 1. 像少数屈指可数的外教老师一样, Daniel 总是坚持不懈地寻求能展露自己创造性授课方式的成都英语培训学校和机构;不管大的还是小的,只要能为他年轻、精神焕发的课堂提供平台的地方,都不会被他疏漏; 2. 接过成都外语森林的聘书之后, Daniel 至始至终都是一位 99.5% 的学习者都觉得满意的教师;无论小孩、青少年还是成人,都不约而同地为他竖起大拇指; 3. 标准的伦敦腔调英式英语,被比喻为“雅思听力播音员”。第一次面试时就给人耳目一新、出类拔萃的感觉,后来经反思发现是地道的英式英语吸引了大量的学生和家长,包括他身边的同事; 4. 曾在各大专院校任教,负责大学英语老师们发音的纠正和评定。在他的悉心帮助下,绝大多数高校的英语教师都在英文地道发音方面取得了前所未有的长进。每每当他要离开一所学校时,感恩的鲜花总是如影随形。 【备注】:下面是 Dan 本人书写的英语简历原稿。同行请尊重版权,不要抄袭。为保证外教课程的稳定和长期的良性互动效果,请勿私下与老师取得联系。若发现当即取消跟老师签订的合同。
NAME 名字 : RODNEY SEX 性别 : MALE 男性 NATIONALITY 国籍 : 英格兰 SKILLS 技能介绍: • Dedicated to enthusiastic and dynamic teaching as a means of creating and nurturing a lifelong knowledge in children and Adults. • Loves anything to do with teaching. • Proficient English speaker • Am a good listener and understanding • Patience is my second name, I am very patient when it comes to teaching children and Adults, • Plan and instruct each subject area using wide variety of teaching aids, motivational and implementation strategies to engage students in active learning. • Very passionate with children OBJECTIVES 任职目标: • Eager to part-time teach Chinese elementary students using a unique combination of a foreign education knowledge and experience. • I want to see students write and speak English with confidence EDUCATION 受教育经历: University of East Anglia (United Kingdom)2007 - 2010 Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting South Western University of Finance and Economics2011-Till present Master’s degree in Business Communication Huangzhou Normal University 2010-2011 certificate in Chinese language ST, ANDREW’S HIGH SCHOOL 2005-2009( SURREY,LONDON,UNITED KINGDOM ) BISHOP MACKENZIE HIGH SCHOOL 2003-2004 ( NOTTINGHAM,UNITED KINGDOM) WORK EXPERIENCE 工作经历: Three years of teaching experience in china. • High bird teaching institute Beijing (2010-2011) • Tutoring One on One when I have students 2011-till present.
Dave R. S
Dave Ramsay Smith Guangya School , Dujiangyan , Sichuan .China . 15********** (confidential) dave.********@126.com Current Occupation Music Teacher @ Guangya School Languages I understand and can speak a little French, German and Greek … & a little Putonghua …! Qualifications: Bachelors degree in Music Education (QTS) Masters degree in Composition for TV and Film Employment Last year teaching English @ Guangxi University, Nanning. China. Last 6 years ... Summer School Language Teacher for ISIS ... teaching Italians mostly ... Some Japanese ... Other Interests I am a keen swimmer, tennis player and gymn user … Also Popular Music Lecturer for Mid Kent College (Course tutor for BTEC National Diploma in Popular Music). Also Musical Director and Arranger for the ND in Performing Arts production of Godspell and Treasure Island. Composer and Musician in the community - composed, performed and directed music for 'Mort' a play of the Terry Prachett novel - incidental music for the Changeling theatre production of 'Tartuffe' - Musical Director and Arranger for the Hazlitt Youth Theatre Easter Pantomime and production of 'The Wiz'. Also some session work for Channel 4 - for a production broadcast in May and June 1998 - 'Home Front Movies' documentary. April 96 to April 97: The Leeds Chamber Orchestra performed my arrangement of MacArthur Park for their summer concert – conducted by Nick Meredith. October 95 to April 97: Worked in Greece as a coffee house pianist… 1986 to 1992: Worked as a freelance professional musician - based in the Manchester area. Regular engagements with the Manchester Mozart Orchestra, the Manchester Camerata, Orchestra da Camera, the Northern Chamber Orchestra and the Performing Arts Orchestra. Also spent four consecutive summer seasons at Scarborough 1984/85/86 and 87 playing for Max Jaffa and Rostal and Shaefer and the Spa Orchestra. Travel I have travelled, toured or worked in: Germany, Israel, USA, Belgium, France, Greece, Denmark, Austria, Holland, Yugoslavia, Spain, The Canaries, Egypt, Canada, Italy, Switzerland , The Gambia , Hungary , Morocco and China …! 【该文章主要内容提要】:成都音乐外教简历,成都英国音乐人 Dave R. Smith ,成都英语口语培训外籍老师
Victor F. Hoking
来自美国纽约的成都外教师资优点评价: 1. 毕业于美国西点军校,具有正派、刚强、毅力非凡和极致虔诚的职业风范; 2. 因其居住在成都市区,相对于游走性的外教来说,具有更长期的任职稳定性,适合公司聘请外籍老师; 3. 该老师已经具备担任成都英语口语培训讲师的条件 : * 客户关系 * 安全操作 * 器械维护 * 应急工作 * 灾难应急 * 各种抵御技能—善于火炮发射技术操作 * 电脑文学写作强,熟悉互联网和 Windows 系统 4. 英语交流能力为精通级别,英语母语者,地道美国人; 5. 有良好的成人、青年人和学生英语教学经验,尤其擅长口语教学; 6. 性格稍微内敛,实则友好大方,高度讲原则; 7. 同时会使用西班牙语、意大利语和一些日本语进行交流。 工作经历概括 Profile: 1. Dedicated professional with six years of outstanding performance in the U.S. Military: earned 17 promotions and excelled as a leader. 2. Accountable and ambitious, able to remain focused and productive in challenging situations. 3. Offering top-quality customer service and security operations in military intelligence. 技能 Skills: Customer Relations * Security Operations * Asset Protection * Emergency Preparedness * Crisis Management * Defensive Techniques - Firearms proficiency * First Aide * Computer Literate: Internet, Windows, Fluent in English, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese. 擅长领域详述 Areas of Strength Security 安保工作 Producing a safe environment for customers and staff by providing personal and asset protection via advance security, detail inspections, investigations, and emergency response. Accounted for the safety of equipment valued at $600,000+. Secured the personal safety, training, and performance of nine U.S. Army soldiers. Promoted security operations: monitored and instructed classes consisting of 39 to 130 students, strengthening knowledge and proper execution of First Aid, Survival, War tactics, and Security. Proved security response with tenacity, endurance, and dedication by remaining of sound mind and proving to be a leader during challenging times in Iraq. Customer Service 客户服务 Offering productive and friendly services that enhance team performance and ensure a professional customer-focused image for employers. Promoted within short period by demonstrating an over-achieving dedication that maximized results for the entire team. Provided internal customer service by relating with all personnel in congenial and professional manner that facilitated the development of a diversified group. Enhanced soldiers' individual and professional growth, developing them into independent decision-makers. Operations & Administration 执行和统筹 Ensuring optimal procedures and workflow operations, experience in organizational leadership. Organized schedules for over 39 soldiers, successfully enhancing time efficiency. Prevented over 15 cancellations, persuaded, and negotiated contracts renewals. Implemented a new route, resulting in saved gas cost, and minimized work time 跟所学专业相关的工作经验 Professional Experience: U.S. Army National Guard, Sanford, FL Squad Leader/Captain (2001 - 2004) Florida Solar, Olympian Pool Services, Sanford, FL Pool Tech (2001 - 2002) U.S. Marine, New York, United Team Leader/Major (2005 - 2011) 教育背景 Education: Primary Leadership Development Course, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York 10996 (2009) U.S. Marin Advance Training, Ft Benning, GA (2006) University High School, Stuyvesant High School NY (2005) 其他技能 Other Skills and Abilities: The skills I assess are leadership qualities as in problem solving, being on time, fast pace learner, and determination to be more than needed. I have skills in production by being fast but yet having the product have good quality. I know how to work under pressure and will give my best whether the work has a deadline or not. I am self-motivated. I have Supervise people at my past jobs and I know how to get the work done as well as helping others along the way. 所获荣誉 Honors and Abilities: Clubs that I have been in are Chess Club, and Poetry Club. Some volunteer work I have done is past out food to the homeless. I help out as much as I can. The world can never be generous. 其他个人信息 Notes and other Information: I am willing to learn and try new assignments. I am willing to go beyond what is needed and will be able to work overtime. I will be a great asset to the company I work for and will do everything that is in the best interest of the company and its people.