IPMA 认证国际职业培训师 Johnny的职业生涯开始之初,是从任职于大连电视台做记者开始的,在刚刚入职期间就考取了国家新闻出版总署的新闻记者认证资格,并被选派到中央电视台新闻评论部做实习记者,曾参与《焦点访谈》、《新闻调查》等节目采访制作。在大连电视台工作期间担任记者以及纪录片编导,之后他也负责与海外媒体的国际合作和国际电视节的参评。媒体记者的这段经历培养了Johnny卓越的洞察力和思考力,以及擅长总结的能力,并磨练了丰富的沟通经验。 在从事媒体工作多年之后,2007年Johnny转身加入某知名通讯企业常驻非洲担任客户经理,负责海外市场及客户资源拓展工作,期间成功实现对某跨国运营商的短名单突破,这也是个中国企业进入该运营商的短名单,并出色完成大额销售订单,积累了大量市场拓展及客户关系工作经验。回国后加入某知名软件企业担任高级业务发展经理,负责客户资源开发及大客户关系管理。客户开发和市场销售工作让Johnny历练了良好的沟通力和亲和力,多年的销售工作累计了大量的大客户开发和管理的技巧和经验。 Johnny从2007年开始进行培训工作,在海外负责针对中国及海外本地员工管理团队的沟通技巧等培训,并在非洲当地参与针对本地学生的公益教学。回国后也被本公司选拔为内部培训师。Johnny的培训生动并富有创意,尤其善于运用丰富生动的案例故事,在给予学员知识点的同时结合实际,寓教于乐,在多次调查培训中,被评为具满意度的讲师。Johnny也是英国皇家管理工会(IPMA, UK)认证的国际职业培训师。 Johnny started of working as journalist of Dalian TV (DLTV), and at very beginning of his working he has obtained the certified exam by GAPP and was selected to CCTV as internship participating some famous TV program production such as Topics in Focus and News Probe . During the working in DLTV as journalist and documentary director. Later he also promoted as manager in charge of international cooperation. The years of experience as TV journalist developed his perfect insight and thinking skills, and also the ability to analyze and synthesize with well communications. From 2007 Johnny joined a well known telecom equipments company and was located in Africa as account manager in charge of main telecom operators (MTO) business development, during that period he has won the break of short list of MTO successfully, which is also the first time the vendor enrolled from China, and also with big amount contract. Now he is working in a famous IT company as senior business development (BD) manager in developing business with Global 500, and also managing stakeholder coordination and financial account management. Many years of working in sales and marketing helped Johnny so much build-up in business development and clients’ relationship management experience and skills. From 2007 Johnny devotes himself into training work and in Africa he was responsible for communication skill training program for management group and local employees, and also as volunteer teacher for local students and now he is internal trainer. Johnny is well able to transfer his knowledge and experience in a soft and subtle way with lots of interesting cases and stories to his participants, whereby they can learn most in a no stress situation. Johnny is Certified International Professional Trainers Program by IPMA, UK. Johnny专长的培训领域: Field of training specializes 沟通技巧类培训 (Communication Skills) 客户关系拓展及管理 (Clients’ Relationship Development & Management) 职场形象及商务礼仪 (Professional Image & Business Etiquette) 职场素养及文化类 (Professional Qualification & Culture) 销售技巧类培训 (Sales & Marketing Skills) 企业教练技术培训 (Enterprise Coaching Skills)